Starting from Thursday, June 4, at Yugawara Art Museum   Mayshu Fukamachi’s ~A million pieces of reality~

I draw not with the usual tools, but with different colored pieces of paper measured, cut, and then place with delicate tweezers.

My final pieces are such that can only be created out of paper.

One piece is created but combining tens of thousands of individual cuts of paper. I myself am fascinated by this marvel.

The unique texture of the materials takes the expression of the piece to a stronger depth through outside effects like lighting.

In order to create this expression, you need a million pieces.

That is my style.

– Mayshu Fukamachi

Mayshu Fukamachi’s official website:


The singular artist Mayshu Fukamachi’s new exhibition will be displayed at Yugawara Art Museum from Thursday, June 4, to Monday, June 29, 2020.

Mayshu Fukamachi’s ~A million pieces of reality~


Mayshu Fukamachi is a clothing designer-turned-multimedia artist, who left behind fashion for art at 53 years-old.

His art falls into the category of papercut art or ‘kiri-e,’ his style of which uses thousands of tiny cut strips of colored paper pasted together rather than traditional art tools.

The appearance of his pieces change with the lighting setup and even the viewing angle.

This one of a kind depth-focused style is meant to elicit meaning further than just the surface you see.

In this exhibition, you can experience a number of pieces that carve meaning into their own shadows.


14th Contemporary Artist Exhibition, 2020

Mayshu Fukamachi’s ~A million pieces of reality

Duration: June 4 (Thurs) – June 29 (Mon) (Mr. Fukamachi plans to be in residence from June 4 – 7.)

Venue: Special Exhibition Hall

Yugawara Art Museum Phone: 0465-63-7788  FAX: 0465-60-1777


623-1 Miyagami, Yugawara Town, Kanagawa 259-0314

Mayshu Fukamachi
Born in Fukuoka Pref. in 1953. He began his unique art career at 53 years-old, after over twenty years in the apparel industry. He solo exhibited at Caelum Gallery in New York City in 2011. He moved to Atami in Shizuoka Pref. in 2016. He now resides in Niigata Pref.

Mayshu Fukamachi’s official website:



Post Author: SATSUKI

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